Calli by Jessica Lee Anderson

Calli by Jessica Lee Anderson

Release Date: September 13th, 2011
Publisher: Milkweed Editions
Rating: YA 13+
Format: eGalley
Source: NetGalley

Fifteen-year-old Calli has just about everything she could want in life—two loving moms, a good-looking boyfriend, and a best friend who has always been there for support. An only child, Calli is excited when her parents announce that they want to be foster parents. Unfortunately, being a foster sister to Cherish is not at all what Calli expected. First Cherish steals Calli’s boyfriend, then begins to pit Calli’s moms against one another, and she even steals Calli’s iPod. Tired of being pushed around and determined to get even, Calli steals one of Cherish’s necklaces. But this plan for revenge goes horribly awry, and Cherish ends up in juvenile detention.
Isolating herself from her moms, her boyfriend, and even her best friend, Calli wrestles with her guilt and tries to figure out a way to undo the damage she’s caused. When her moms are asked to take on another foster child, Calli sees an opportunity to make amends for her past mistakes.
Funny, moving, and emotionally rich, Calli is a portrait of an endearing young woman caught between adolescence and adulthood, striving to do the right thing even when all of her options seem wrong.

**This Review is based on an ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy). The final cover and text are subject to change.**

Calli was a short YA contemporary novel, which is refreshing after reading all those paranormal books! It's an amazing coming of age novel, and the emotions and problems faced in this book are all very realistically written.

I could totally relate to Calli's feelings, Anderson has written a very REAL character. There was flaws, and the she wasn't perfect...which did make her the perfect main character. LOVE LOVE LOVE Dub. He's so incredibly sweet and the most amazing boyfriend!
The only problem I found with the characters was the fact that since it's a pretty short book, you don't really get to explore and learn more about the supporting characters, like what they look like, and stuff like that. But it's an amazing supporting cast of supporting characters: Delia, Calli's two moms and the foster child which Calli's family takes in (who is SO adorable!).

I really love how that the author does put in the message out to everyone: having two gay parents does NOT make you gay. Love how she tackles this, and we see how everyone treats Calli because of this (and Dub being so helpful and sweet about it). Another thing we see with Calli is her somewhat, struggle to lose weight. In some parts, she thinks too much about it, but honestly in the end, it's all the same: love you for the way you are. And of course, that someone should love you for who you are as well, not who you should be.

I found Calli to be a sweet YA about foster care trouble, bullying, boys and just finding yourself. Loved this one, and totally recommend to both Middle Grade and Young Adult readers, as even though Calli is fifteen, it looks at issues suitable and applicable to readers from 11 or 12 years onwards. Cute, fresh and moving, Calli is totally the YA you should pick up to read when you're lost, troubled or need a happy ending. Loved it!
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1 comment:

  1. Definitely sounds like something I would enjoy. I had never heard of it before but it sounds sweet :) Great review!


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